Lessons from reading books

Having spent the second half of 2019 reading everything I could get my hands on, here are a few lessons that are still relevant four years later:

  1. Our thoughts become our reality (Think & Grow Rich / The Law of Success / The Power of Your Subconscious Mind / The Game of Life & How To Play It / From Poverty to Power / As A Man Thinketh / The Science of Being Well). 

  2. Replace reactivity with proactivity to build momentum (7 Habits of Highly Effective People / Choose Yourself! / Ikigai).

  3. Non-resistance is crucial to living a fulfilled life (The Surrender Experiment / Autobiography of Yoginanda / The Tao / Be Free, Where You Are).

  4. It's often more useful to be lighthearted than to be very serious (Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It / Captivate: The Science of Succeeding With People).

  5. Personal financial planning is the most important skill one can develop (The Richest Man in Babylon / The Way to Wealth / The Science of Getting Rich / The Art of Money Getting).

  6. Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree. Our perception makes the difference (The Kybalion).

  7. Meditate, meditate, meditate (Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer).

  8. Identify what brings us the most joy & what we're good at, and then work towards being the best at it (How To Get What You Want).



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